
MOVIE REVIEW: Aliens vs Predator (14A)

WARNING: This movie has a ton of violence in it.

A squad of scientists and archaeologists arrives in Antarctica to investigate a strange pyramid that was found underground unknown to them, inside the pyramid is a nest of Aliens that are waiting for other aliens called the Predators to come and start the war.

The explorers are led by environmentalist and expert ice climber Alexa Woods. She’s brave and loyal. She’s also the voice of reason who thinks it foolish to run headlong into the potentially dangerous unknown out of pride and greed. One of her colleagues courageously saves her life, only to lose his in the process. (SPOILER) A Predator shows mercy to a man with a weak heart who is not deemed a threat.



One man gets stabbed in the stomach by huge, retractable claws which emerge, bloodied, through his back. A man hides while watching a Predator walk right by him, next thing you know another Predator shows up behind him and stabs him off-screen (you see blood fly onto the snow). A Predator slices a 'face-hugger' into two, and also snaps a newborn alien's neck. The Aliens get brutal, too. Newly hatched face-huggers leap onto the faces of their victims and dispatch an Alien embryo into the person’s esophagus. Those critters grow until they eventually burst forth from their living hosts’ abdomens. A woman writhes in pain, torso bulging (the camera cuts away just as the Alien emerges). Alexa shoots one of her colleagues to spare him the agony of “giving birth.” A full-grown Alien penetrates the skull of a Predator, killing it. On several occasions they drive their sharp tails through the bodies of their enemies. In a flashback, swarms of Aliens and Predators fight each other until a nuclear-size blast annihilates everything.

Alexa uses the f-word once, and starts to say “mutha------” before the second half of the obscenity gets drowned out and also she uses the b-word. There are also about seven s-words and a few milder profanities.


If you don't mind seeing a load of action and a bit of blood and if you can find the 'mute' button before the f-bomb comes on this is the movie for you, I give this movie 3 out of 5 stars.

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