
MOVIE REVIEW: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 (PG-13)

As Voldemort's grip tightens on the magical world, the end is upon everyone Harry holds dear should he fail in his quest to vanquish his adversary. It's a last-ditch race against time as Harry, Ron, Hermione and assorted allies seek to unravel the few final mysteries that might tip the balance in Harry's favor in a final showdown.

[Spoilers are in the following sections]

Everyone who sides with Harry, risks everything to confront the evil Voldemort. And they do so with full knowledge of the possible repercussions. Repeatedly the Dark Lord speaks in a horrific whisper that everyone can hear, tempting them to abandon Harry … and the dire fate awaiting them if they don't. Yet no one defects (except the Slytherins, of course.).

Harry learns about Severus' past and discovers that Snape had been acting as a deeply planted double agent striving to protect him. During this, Harry finds out that he must let Voldemort kill him, for the Dark Lord to die, and he goes off to sacrifice himself for the sake of the whole wizarding world.

Magic is still used during the movie, but the magic is used for warfare purposes. When Harry opens the snitch, just before he dies he sees the spirits of his parents and his godfather. And when Harry dies, he finds himself in a place called "Limbo" that people end up in before getting sent to the afterlife. He meets Dumbledore there, who tells him that he could 'hop on a train', Harry later asks where that train would take him, Dumbledore responds, "On". Dumbledore implies that the afterlife is a good place for those who have chosen to love, saying, "Do not pity the dead, pity the living and all those who live without love."

One of Hermione's outfits, especially once wet reveals quite a bit of cleavage. She and Ron kiss passionately. Harry and Ginny steal a quick kiss during the battle.

The Battle of Hogwarts is a no-holds-barred battle between Voldemort and his Death Eaters against the students and professors of Hogwarts. The battle for Hogwarts begins with magic — both offensively and defensively. Those within create a shield around the school that keeps arrow-like spells from the Dark Lord's forces at bay — temporarily. Several ground troops unwisely try to penetrate the shield - and get incinerated.

Using the Elder Wand, Voldemort overwhelms the shield. Soon, the school's defenders are overrun by his bloodthirsty forces. A bridge full of Voldemort's minions explode, meanwhile the Death Eaters are destroying the castle, and a werewolf can be briefly seen feeding on a dead student. A flaming body hurtles past our view. Upon death, some of Voldemort's soldiers (Bellatrix Lestrange among them) explode. We hear Nagini repeatedly pummel Snape.

When each Horcrux is destroyed, Voldemort feels pain. Not enough, however, to stop him from killing Harry with his wand. Finally, after the last remaining Horcrux, gets destroyed, Voldemort withers into tiny bits of ash floating in the wind.

Mrs. Weasley steps between Bellatrix and her daughter, Ginny, spitting fiercely, "Not my daughter, you b‑‑ch." We hear the British vulgarity "bloody" four or five times, twice paired with "hell." There's another use of "hell" on its own, and an utterance of "blimey" as well.

The Dark Lord occasionally vaporizes his own troops when they displease him. The camera shows the corpses of some of the students. Griphook entraps the trio inside Bellatrix's vault, while he runs off with the Sword of Gryffindor.

This movie is darker than any of the others, and the body count is much higher than any other, I give it a 5 out of 5 stars.

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