
SITE NEWS: Hiatus Explanation

I know I haven't posted a review about anything since my Avengers review, and for that I am terribly sorry. I loved writing reviews, but when I started writing the review for The Avengers, I felt something that I never felt before writing a review.

Not even half-way through the review, I became tired of writing it and it started to feel like it was a job. Since I'm not being paid for writing on here, it feeling like a job was not a good thing for me to feel. I started writing these reviews for something fun to do to pass the time, after they began getting tiring to write reviews, I started wondering whether I should shut down the site.

But then, I started writing some more reviews in a different format and started enjoying writing these again. So I'm not closing this down, but the new reviews that are coming out are not going to be written the same as my old ones.

Thanks for reading this and get ready for some reviews!

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