
GAME REVIEW: The Walking Dead - Episode 3 (M)

I’m going to try to not give away any spoilers, also some of the stuff that happened in the game was because of the choices that I made in the game. So it might not be exactly the same for someone else, anyway, here’s the review.

Episode 3 isn’t as grim as the last part, but it is certainly depressing. You start off at the motel and you find out that someone has been stealing supplies and you go off to see if you can figure out who did it.

Soon, you find yourself in a firefight which caused me a bit of grief. The controls for shooting the gun was a bit difficult to get used to, you had to move the right stick to aim and then quickly move your thumb over to the A button to shoot.

Also, a little glitch happened when I was playing the game, when everyone sitting outside the RV, Katjaa was holding Duck but he disappeared so it just seemed like she wasn’t holding anything.

All in all though, I thought this episode was great, actually liking it more than the first episode. The relationships between the characters changed dramatically by the end of the episode, everything that you thought you knew about the characters has most likely changed by the time you finish.

I really enjoyed the game and can’t wait for the next episode, if you liked the past two episodes you probably have already picked this up, but if you haven’t yet I’d recommend that you do. There’s a lot more puzzles than before and some that were actually quite difficult, so if you like solving puzzles in point and click games, I’d recommend you give the game a try.

GAME REVIEW: The Walking Dead - Episode 2 (M)

I’m going to try to not give away any spoilers, also some of the stuff that happened in the game was because of the choices I made in the game. So it’s not going to be exactly the same for someone else, anyway, here’s the review.

Episode 2 was a little different than the first episode, while the first one had quite a lot of puzzles to do, this one was more emotional with more tough decisions to decide.

It starts three months later after the last game with the group almost completely out of food. They introduce a new character named Mark, unfortunately they don’t really introduce him, he just shows up there and you find out more about him as the game goes on.

When you get back to the motel, you have to decide who’s going to get the last four bits of food left. Believe it or not, this is probably the easiest decision you have to make in the game.

The game was really good, however there were a few things that annoyed me. There would be some bits where you have to push the ‘A’ button as fast as you can and I kept dying because I couldn’t push the button fast enough. Also, during the first part of the game, I’d hear the characters talking but the screen would freeze for a second and then keep going.

Telltale Games certainly knows how to make a story very interesting, although it didn’t really start until you’re half-way through the game. Once it starts though, I didn’t want to put the controller down. It was a lot darker than the first episode, but I still had a lot of fun with it.

Just like the last episode, I’d recommend it to anyone who loves point-and-click games. Just like the last one, it is very short, I finished it in about three hours. So if you want a long game, you might want to wait for the entirety of the game to be released. But I think it’s worth the 4 dollars for what’s in the game.

GAME REVIEW: The Walking Dead - Episode 1 (M)

I’m going to try to not give away any spoilers, and some of the stuff that happened in the game was because of some of the choices I made in the game. So it’s not going to be exactly the same for someone else, but anyway, here’s the review.

I just finished playing the game, and it was a lot of fun but it’s way too short. I know it’s only the first episode of a 5-episode game, but the length of the game still annoyed me.

One of the other annoyances of mine is that some of the puzzles were a little too easy to figure out, it might just be because I grew up with point-and-click adventure games but the puzzles just seemed really simple. There were a few difficult ones, but none that I’d call ‘hard’.

The one last annoyance was that there weren’t as many options as I would have liked, some parts of the game I wished I could have had another option to say but nevertheless, the options you’re given are usually fine.

The rest of the game though was a joy to play, that they allowed you only a few seconds to pick a choice bugged me the first few minutes, but as the game went on, I grew to appreciate it as not making so that players would over-think everything.

The characters felt like real people and most of them were a lot of fun to talk to, which you got to do quite a bit as it was more about the characters and how they reacted to the infection than about the zombies. Occasionally, the characters would do something stupid like not know that they have to put batteries into a radio to get it to work, but those moments happened very little.

So at the end, I definitely would recommend this game to anyone who likes a point-and-click adventure game or even someone who wants to try one for the first time. Although, if you were hoping that it was going to be a zombie-shooter game like Left 4 Dead, then you’re going to be disappointed.

MOVIE REVIEW: The Amazing Spider-Man (PG-13)

So I just came back from seeing the Amazing Spider-Man movie, it definitely lived up to it’s name. It was much more realistic than the previous three movies, and had much better actors.

The acting was very well done, Andrew Garfield was great as Peter Parker/Spider-Man and Emma Stone was perfect as Gwen Stacy. Although, Rhys Ifans as Curt Connors felt a little over the top, but it still was okay.

The writing was brilliant, it had me intrigued from beginning-to-end. It also had Spidey acting just like he is in the comics, even quipping while fighting. The writers took a page out the Dark Knight’s book, and made it so that the city didn’t automatically think Spidey was a hero, which helped make the movie a lot more realistic.

There were only two problems that I had with the movie, one was that the special effects for the Lizard didn’t look that great, and that the 3D was really not as good as I had hoped.

Also there’s a few scenes where go into first-person perspective (ala Mirror’s Edge), when I saw them in the trailer, I thought they would be really tacky. But now seeing them in the movie, it actually made the movie feel more realistic.

A lot of people have been saying that the Spider-Man costume looked awful, I actually thought it looked great and liked it more than the other costume. Also Andrew Garfield looked terrific in the costume, although that could be because I have a bit of a crush on him.

The final verdict? The movie was amazingly awesome, if you haven’t seen it yet, I definitely recommend seeing it.

MOVIE REVIEW: The Dark Knight Rises (PG-13)

I just came back from watching The Dark Knight Rises, it was a good movie; however it was not a good Batman movie. Also after the realistic Begins and Knight, I was ready for yet another realistic Batman film. I felt a little disappointed as I left the theater, it felt as if someone had told Christopher Nolan that he was making a comic book movie and he had decided to make it a bit more light-hearted than the others.

Christian Bale was great as Batman as usual, but as Bruce Wayne, it seemed as if he was getting tired of the role. Angelina Jolie as Catwoman was wonderful, however they didn’t really use her character that well, and compared to the other Catwomen, she didn’t have the same pizaz as Michelle Pfeiffer in Batman Returns.
Tom Hardy as Bane, on the other hand was not as good, I could hardly understand what he was saying. Part of it was because of the mask and part of it was because of the heavy Russian accent that he had. Then there’s Joseph Gordon-Levitt as John Blake, I know he’s a great actor but with some of the lines that he had to say felt very wooden.

The action was very well-done but there wasn’t really that much fighting till the last act, most of the time, Bane would just crush someone’s face or twist their head around 180 degrees. The final fight scene between Bane and Batman was awesome; however it felt like it ended way too soon.
Also, I have to mention the new armor/costume for Batman. It looked horrible compared to the other suits; the suit from The Dark Knight was all black and actually looked like an actually crime-fighting suit. This time, it is much lighter in color, looking very blue and the cowl looked like it was too small for Christian Bale’s face.

One of the things that I like about Nolan’s Batman movies was that the police were corrupt, however in this film, you were actually cheering on the police a few times. There was one scene where the police start chasing Batman and I was expecting more scenes like that in the movie, but it was only that one scene.
The reason I say that it’s a good movie but not a good Batman movie is because Batman’s hardly in it. Halfway through it, I almost forgot that it was a Batman film and not about Blake in a city taken over by terrorists. Also it felt like they were trying to wrap up too much stuff up and were no longer focused on the story.

My verdict? It was a good movie, but if you’re expecting another amazing movie like The Dark Knight, you’re probably going to be very disappointed. There were quite a lot of problems that I had with the movie, and left the movie with quite a few plot holes that will never get filled.

As much as I’d love to give it a higher score, I give it a 4/10.

SITE NEWS: Hiatus Explanation

I know I haven't posted a review about anything since my Avengers review, and for that I am terribly sorry. I loved writing reviews, but when I started writing the review for The Avengers, I felt something that I never felt before writing a review.

Not even half-way through the review, I became tired of writing it and it started to feel like it was a job. Since I'm not being paid for writing on here, it feeling like a job was not a good thing for me to feel. I started writing these reviews for something fun to do to pass the time, after they began getting tiring to write reviews, I started wondering whether I should shut down the site.

But then, I started writing some more reviews in a different format and started enjoying writing these again. So I'm not closing this down, but the new reviews that are coming out are not going to be written the same as my old ones.

Thanks for reading this and get ready for some reviews!